Friday, October 29, 2010

EFT Training in Asia

For the first time in Asia, Advance Dynamics Asia brought in Alison Munro to conduct her well sought after EFT Training, Level 1 & 2. Emotional Freedom Technnique, or EFT, is this fun, effective and safe therapy that helps one to work with issues such as emotions, phobias, physical symptoms etc. Alison, is one of the best EFT practitioners in the UK and we were priviledge to have her here in Asia to teach us on the whats and hows of EFT.

ADA organized the EFT training from the 23rd - 25th October 2010. It was held in Cititel Hotel Mid Valley. 16 people came from the workshop. We had participants from KL, up north from Penang and Kedah and even all the way from Oman!! This itself is a testimony of how great the course was as participants were willing to travel so many hours in order to learn from the best.

Through out the 3 days, we learnt a lot of theory about EFT and how to structure set up statements. But this workshop was interactive as well and we had lots of opportunities for practicals and demonstrations. Volunteers for the demonstrations were of course rewarded with the opportunity to experience the best. I'm sure they benefited from it all. As we were paired up for our final practical assessment, as beginners, we performed EFT and was amazed by the results of it. It reall is AMAZING!

A similar course was held in Singapore from the 16th - 18th October 2010.

The group is really looking forward to the next level of EFT training and we hope to see Alison in Asia again very soon. For those of you who would like to know more about the dates or details of the workshop, please drop us an email at

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